200 |
The request was successful. |
400 |
The request wasn't successful due to invalid input, a misspelled
parameter, or a missing required parameter. |
"message": "Invalid input.",
"exceptionType": "ValidationError",
"additionalInfo": "Check validation errors for specifics.",
"validationErrors": {
"nonFieldErrors": [
"Number correct must be between 0 and the number of items in the test instance: [0, 2]."
"items": [
"{item} missing required field: 'difficulty'/'id'/'result'."
"framework": [
"'bad_framework' is NOT a valid framework. Please use one of 'lexile', 'quantile', or 'logit'."
401 |
We weren't able to authenticate your credentials. The access token is
incorrect or missing. |
"message": "Authentication with credentials failed",
"exceptionType": "NotAuthenticated",
"additionalInfo": "Authentication with credentials failed"
403 |
You can't perform this action. doesn't have access to this
feature. |
"message": "You do not have permission to perform this action.",
"exceptionType": "PermissionDenied",
"additionalInfo": "You don't have access to this resource."
503 |
The service is unavailable. |
"message": "Service temporarily unavailable, try again later",
"exceptionType": "APIException",
"additionalInfo": "Error when calling remote service"