Sequences Tab
The Sequences tab shows the math content organized into the Quantile sequences.
Example 1: Math Content Organized into Sequences: In addition to a unique Sequence ID, the sequences in this tab are alternately shaded to add readability. The figure below shows an excerpt of the math content organized into two distinct Quantile sequences.
Quantile Sequence 102 shows the math content in its location in Quantile sequence 102. Every Quantile sequence is ordered by Quantile measure, starting with the most mathematically demanding QSC at level 1. A math content item within this sequence, Route Count to 20, is located at level 3, as shown in Figure B. Its position within the Quantile sequence 102 indicates that there are both prerequisite and extension math content such as Write Decompression at level 4 for prerequisite content and Represent Numbers to 100 at level 2 for extension content.
Math Content is designated as Focus if it addresses the majority of the content within the associated QSC.
Math Content is labeled as Related if it addresses some of the content in the associated QSC and/or addresses the content of multiple QSCs.
Quantile Sequence 101 shows Quantile sequence 101. The math content Write Numbers to 1 Million appears at both levels 1 and 2 within Quantile sequence 101. In this case, the QSC descriptions indicate that the math content spans two QSCs. The QSC at level 1 has the Focus designation and indicates that the majority of the math content for Write Numbers to 1 Million addresses student understanding of reading, writing, and comparing whole numbers. The math content also contains content for reading and writing word names at level 2, so it is given the Related designation.
Each Quantile sequence is defined by a minimum Quantile measure and a maximum Quantile measure described in the Range Minimum and Range Maximum columns. The range of a sequence’s Quantile measures is identified from the minimum Quantile measure of the bottom QSC in the sequence to the maximum Quantile measure of the top QSC in the sequence. Sequence 101 shown in Minimum and maximum measure range of Quantile Sequence 102, has a minimum measure of EM190Q and a maximum measure of 130Q.
The Quantile measure of each QSC in the sequence falls somewhere within this range. The Quantile measures of the QSC within a sequence are used to divide the sequence’s range of Quantile measures into sub-ranges. One or more QSCs are included in each sub-range. When multiple QSCs are included in a sub-range, the QSCs have similar measures and students with a Quantile measure within the listed range would be “ready to learn” the math content aligned to any of the QSCs in that range.
Example 2: Identifying Content That Students are Ready To Learn: For optimal learning and growth, a student should practice mathematics within a Quantile range of 50Q above and 50Q below his or her Quantile measure. Therefore, a math content’s range of Quantile measures are selected to contain the associated Quantile measure and meet the student range requirement.
The range for math content can be used to direct students to content that is appropriate according to the student’s Quantile measure. Remember that a student’s Quantile measure indicates a student’s readiness to learn a concept. For example, a student is assigned the math content Decompose Numbers in Hundreds. As shown in 40Q to 130Q for Quantile Sequence 102, this math content is located in sequence 102 at level 1 and covers a range of 40Q to 130Q.
- If a student’s Quantile measure is greater than 130Q, then the content above the math content’s range can be assigned.
- If the student’s Quantile measure is below 40Q, then the content below the math content’s range is more appropriate.
Example 3: Opportunities for Additional Content: When no math content aligns to a QSC in a Quantile sequence, the indicator “Opportunity for Additional Content” is given in the Partner Math Content Title column. As shown in Sequence with Opportunity for Additional Content Identified, there is no math content for level 5 of Quantile sequence 101. The QSC description can be used as a guide to develop new content should the publisher wish to do so.